There is a discreet return to an older method of art. At this time, it seemed painting mattered more than just creating art for sale. The shock value was lowly regarded. There was unity between the art and the craftsmanship. Similar to old masters, they create modern master paintings. The first on the list is Ali Cavanaugh. Ali Cavanaugh has been known to a master of creativity. She uses old paintings or ideas and recreates them to a modern contemporary painting. She mostly uses watercolour in her paintings. She also likes to paint on custom made clay boards which shows current inclinations. Such a style, used with her extensive expertise and talent, generates distinctive paintings.

Portrait Masters

Gregory’s paintings seem to come alive and relate personally to the viewers. Those paintings are brilliant worthy for an impressionist art gallery. Most of his paintings appear simple, half in length and portraits. Gregory uses a technique that displays reality to life. Many viewers can consider this genuineness with little or no symbolism. Gregory is skilled in utilizing a simple portrait to show hidden reflections of life. This ability connects the viewers to a greater part of being human. Gregory holds gallery representation in different states in the U.S. He has also exhibited in some art fairs. Similar paintings can be found on this specialised site. A forgotten modern master is Andre Derain. Andre is in the same category as Matisse in his time. In an art gallery displaying Andre’s paintings, viewers describe him as a dazzling artist. Andre is known as one who painted for more than getting a reaction. Alyssa Monk is another modern artist. Her method is intimate and passionate. Viewers desire to have her paintings as images that display intimate moments. One of her newest colourings achieves the ability to converse an interior life with the practical clearness of a modern master painter.

Other Painters

Stephen Bauman has paintings that can be classified as modern masters paintings. He uses a classical technique mixed with a contemporary style. He has many contemporary paintings that manage to hold an older quality. His portraits are always glowing and eye-catching. Conor Walton is an Irish painter who studied art at a time when realist painting was obsolete. The modern painting was not taught to him. He found his style to create contemporary paintings. Another modern master painter is Odd Nerdrum. He has powerful paintings. His colourings are unique showing a lot of mystique. It is difficult to tell if Nerdrum is the misrepresentation of the crazy artist of the media projects or he has pushed this view to guard his intimacy. He is classified among realist painters because of the influence his paints hold. They are arresting when viewing as well as haunting.