Some people may be surprised that mechanical clock purchased at an antique store needs to be wound regularly in this day of everything electronic. Winding an ancient clock requires a few easy rules should get anyone started.
Open a glass door to access the face if it covers the dial. Insert the key into one of the winding arbors and steady the case with the non-dominant hand while winding the clock. To protect the case's finish, use cotton gloves.
Turn the key clockwise after that. Turn it counterclockwise if it won't turn clockwise. Not all clocks work in the same direction. Some work in the clockwise direction while some in a counterclockwise direction. Gently wind key and the arbor until it no longer winds. Please do not force on the key. Don't force the key any further if there is any resistance.
Winding an antique clock
Most antique wall clocks have one, two, or three winding points—some clocks by tugging on a chain, while a key or crank winds others. To wind an antique clock, insert the crank into the winding points and revolve it clockwise for thirteen turns. The weight should rise as one turns the crank. The weight should strike the underside of the "seat-board" when entirely wound and which is the point to stop winding any further. Remember to turn the key with minimal force.
The clocks have two winding holes: The right-hand hole is used to power the time train and keep the clock ticking. The strike train, which causes the clock to strike at the top of the hour, is powered by the hole on the left.
Remember, a key is not needed to wind the clock if it contains functional hanging weights and a pendulum. Instead, one needs to use the crank that came with the clock to lift the weights. Be cautious not to lift the weights by hand when cranking up the weights to wound the clock.
Turn the key in a steady motion to wind the Chime Clock, and stop when the spring cannot be wound further. Please do not allow the key to pop back into the hand; instead, carefully release it after each half turn. To ensure that the clock is entirely wound, keep twisting the key until the spring no longer winds. The strike mainspring is wound by the left square, whereas the time mainspring turns the right square.
For more information, visit lapendulerie.com.
Winding an antique mantel clock
There are at least two winders in antique mantel clocks: one for the mainspring, which keeps time, and the other for the chime and strike movements. The key that comes with the clock can wind each one. Begin with the chime mechanism(s) and wind entirely clockwise.
Turn the key until it doesn't move any farther to wind the clock entirely. Make no apprehensions about "over-winding" the clock. It is impossible to over-wind the clock's mainspring, despite the endless "over-winding" tales. Through repetition, one learns the number of turns of the key to complete a full winding.
Winding a vintage wall clock
A vintage wall clocks technology started in 13th century and common for those keeping time in the old way. A "time and strike" vintage clock strikes the stated time on the hour with a single strike or a two-tone strike.
It is necessary to set the time on a vintage wall clock or for individuals who live in a different time zone. Turn the minute hand in a clockwise direction carefully and slowly. Before continuing, come to a complete stop at the proper chime or strike intervals.
Winding a Pendulum Clock
Pendulum clocks are ageless and beautifully elegant. Maintain the schedule the same day weekly. Almost 95% of the pendulum clock rotates for eight days, so wind it once a week on the minimum. Use one hand to hold the clock and the other to rotate the clock's key softly and steadily. In case of resistance rotating, it clockwise, spin it the other direction.
Turn the key counterclockwise to a halt. Remember, the chime mainspring should have some resistance, or else it is damaged. Keep an eye out for clocks that have weights attached to them. When winding clocks with weights and it raises, stop when the weight hits around 2 or 3 inches.
Continue onto chime every quarter-hour, when done with winding the time point. Weekly, repeat the process to ensure that the clocks do not come to a halt. Lastly, keep an ear out for a consistent ticking sound.